Our Rich Ghanaian Culture

 In Ghana every ethnic group has its own traditions which evolve to deal with human situation of the time. Some become so obsolete that, the ethnic group may have no good reason to continue the practice.

Some may also be found harmful in the perspective of modern scientific knowledge. Harmful traditional practices are hurt, injure and humiliate people even though the practitioner may not consider them harmful. In Ghana examples of such practices includes female genital mutilation, cruel widowhood rite, tribal marks, trokosi system and imprisonment in witch camps. At this point in our country’s history, the call by well – meaning Ghanaians that these practices be abolished completely, although they are already extinct and happen in isolated area, should be seen as a step in the right direction.

What we bring to the table

What role does community development play?
Community development gives residents more control over their lives and forges stronger, more cohesive communities. The values of empowerment, human rights, inclusivity, social justice, self-determination, and collective action serve as the foundation for community development as a whole.
Recently appointed chief, Baffour Ofori Amanfo Deatuo I (Ahene Nanahene Akyem, Apedwa), plans to motivate and unify the young and residents of Apedwa to work together for the region’s development. He believes that the only way to economically enlighten the people of Apedwa is through development.